Hi all, and welcome to my blog. This is the first post on my new website after spending the last couple of days figuring out where and how I want to host this, setting up scaffolding, etc. I want to briefly talk about why I’m setting this up, and what the path going forward looks like for this website and for me.

In college, when coding was new and exciting for me, I was obsessed with making cool side projects and attending the most competitive coding competitions I could find. It was new, fun, and most importantly, I loved doing it. Something strange happened after college though, during my first two jobs. Coding became my everyday, whether I wanted it to or not. As much as I hate to admit it, I lost interest in coding outside of my job. It became uninteresting, and I lost my personal pursuit of mastery and a deeper understanding that I once prided myself on.

However, in recent months, I have rediscovered a passion for the desire to create outside of my career. I am blessed to be able to create exciting and innovative technology every single day, but as an engineer, I am learning to want to create for myself again. I want to learn again, for the sake of learning for myself, and not just for my next deadline. Because of this, I thought the next reasonable step would be to create a personal website. I have hosted a couple in the past, but the goal of this one is to grow it long term. I wish to grow my blog-sphere, as well as show off any personal projects I create in the future. I have a lot of ideas flowing right now, so I am excited to start focusing on some of those projects 😎.

Life is interesting. Passions come and go, like tides in the ocean. Motivation comes just as freely—in waves, undeterred by my decision on whether I want to feel motivated or not, but rather by a combination of discipline and an unexplainable feeling within myself. My strategy for execution has been to ride these waves out for as long as I can since I don’t know when the next wave will occur. I have operated based on “sprints” in the past, riding out the wave, trying to sap every ounce out of it that I can. Going forward, I hope to bring forth a similar approach with a healthier balance for sustainability, and I am looking forward to honing that ability, starting with this website.